Welcome to The Door Christian Fellowship Church, a Bible-believing Pentecostal Church, partnering with over 3,000 churches throughout the world. We are located in the beautiful Island Nation of Barbados, Building #4, Manor Lodge Complex, St. Michael (Opposite PriceSmart). We are a church that focuses on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

We opened the first Church from our fellowship in Barbados on June 18, 2017, our vision is Evangelism, Discipleship, and Church Planting, Pastor Rudy Estrada and his wife Brenda Estrada, in October 2O16 were announced to pioneer a new church in Barbados and moved the following month. Seven (7) years later we are proud to announce that our family has been naturalized and become citizens of this beautiful island nation, we intend to raise up couples that are called to do a work for God through their lives, sending couples into different parts of Barbados and also the islands and regions beyond, with the leadership of our Pastor Willis and his wife Liz Gordon, we have made great impact on the island, encouraging and helping people to find and do the will of God in their lives is amazing, come join us as we reach the world for Jesus...


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Phone #1 : +1 246 846-4368
WhatsApp #2 : +1 246 822-8776
Email #3 : [email protected]


Building #4. Manor Lodge Complex
St. Michael